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Scheduled Internal Exchange
Differenze rispetto alla versione 1.0
- L'endpoint da richiamare è stato modificato.
- Aggiunto campo Offset nel risultato.
- Aggiunto campo Timezone nel risultato.
Allows to obtain data representing scheduled trade exchanges between Italian
internal market zones. Every day, the hourly trade schedule between market zones is
The data coincide with those already available in the Download Center section of Transparency, where you can download them manually instead.
Request Header
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
Authorization | String | Token | 1..1 | <your access token> | |
businessID | String | Business ID | 0..1 | b57aca2f-41b8-4a6e-a43c-2fc5f8309f94 | |
Accept | String | Definizione Header Accept | 0..1 | Application/Json |
Query Params
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
dateFrom | String | Starting date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
dateTo | String | Final date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
Response Structure
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
result | Obj | Result | 1..1 | "result":{..} | |
.message | String | Specify the status and if successful, report the request | 1..1 | "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 23/04/2022, date to: 23/04/2022", | |
.status | String | Specify the status and if successful, report the request | 1..1 | "status": "Completed" | |
scheduled_internal_exchange | Obj | Scheduled Internal Exchange Structure | array | 0..n | |
.date | String | Date | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | 1..1 | 2020-02-12 23:00:00 |
.date_tz | String | Time Zone | Continent/City | 1..1 | Europe/Rome |
.date_offset | String | Time Offset | 1..1 | +02:00 | |
.flow | String | Flow Direction | 1..1 | Calabria -> South | |
.scheduled_internal_exchange_MW | String | Scheduled Internal Exchange | 1..1 | 660 |
cURL Request
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.terna.it/transmission/v2.0/scheduled-internal-exchange?dateFrom=23/04/2022&dateTo=23/04/2022' --header 'Authorization: <token>'
{ "result": { "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 23/04/2022, date to: 23/04/2022", "status": "Completed" }, "scheduled_internal_exchange": [ { "date": "2022-04-23 23:00:00", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "date_offset": "+02:00", "flow": "Sicily -> Calabria", "scheduled_internal_exchange_MW": "5.27" }, { "date": "2022-04-23 23:00:00", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "date_offset": "+02:00", "flow": "South -> Centre-South", "scheduled_internal_exchange_MW": "1669.31" } ] }
- Previous: Scheduled Foreign Exchange
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