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Total Load

Differenze rispetto alla versione 1.0

  • L'endpoint da richiamare è stato modificato.
  • Aggiunto campo Offset nel risultato.
  • Aggiunto campo Timezone nel risultato.
  • La lista di valori bidding zone tra cui scevgliere è diventata:["Centre-North", "Centre-South", "North", "Sardinia", "Sicily", "South", "Calabria", "Italy"]
Allow to obtain the trend of the Italian electricity system's total demand. The forecast data are processed the day before the reference day based on our best forecast, taking into account all the variables that could influence the electricity demand, from weather and climate factors to social-economic aspects.

The data coincide with those already available in the Download Center section of Transparency, where you can download them manually instead.

Authorization OAuth 2.0

Request Header

API field Type Description Format Card Example
Authorization String Token 1..1   <your access token>
businessID String Business ID 0..1 b57aca2f-41b8-4a6e-a43c-2fc5f8309f94
Accept String Definizione Header Accept 0..1 Application/Json

Query Params

API field Type Description Format Card Example
dateFrom String Starting date of extraction dd/mm/yyyy 1..1 15/2/2021
dateTo String Final date of extraction dd/mm/yyyy 1..1 15/2/2021
biddingZone String Bidding zone to be extracted restricted list 0..n South

Bidding Zone List

biddingZone is to be chosen as an element of the set ['North', 'Centre-North', 'South', 'Centre-South', 'Sardinia', 'Sicily', 'Calabria', 'Italy']

IMPORTANT NOTE: when the value entered does not match one of the expected values, an error will not be returned, but an empty body will be returned.

Response Structure

API field Type Description Format Card Example
result Obj Result
1..1 "result":{..}
.message String Specify the status and if successful, report the request
1..1 "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 10/05/2022, date to: 10/06/2022"
.status String Specify the status and if successful, report the request
1..1 "status": "Completed"
total_load Obj Total Load Structure array 0..n
.date String Date yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss 1..1 2020-02-12 23:00:00
.date_tz String Time Zone Continent/City 1..1 Europe/Rome
.date_offset String Date Offset +hh:mm 1..1 +02:00
.total_load_MW String Total Load  1..1 5033.597
.forecast_total_load_MW String Forecast Total Load  1..1  5048.25
.bidding_zone String Bidding Zone  1..1 Centre-South


cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.terna.it/load/v2.0/total-load?dateFrom=10/05/2022&dateTo=10/06/2022' --header 'Authorization: <token>'


            "result": {
                "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 10/05/2022, date to: 10/06/2022",
                "status": "Completed"
            "total_load": [
                    "date": "2022-06-10 23:45:00",
                    "date_tz": "Europe/Rome",
                    "date_offset": "+02:00",
                    "total_load_MW": "1191.477",
                    "forecast_total_load_MW": "1219.706",
                    "bidding_zone": "Calabria"
                    "date": "2022-06-10 23:45:00",
                    "date_tz": "Europe/Rome",
                    "date_offset": "+02:00",
                    "total_load_MW": "935.482",
                    "forecast_total_load_MW": "957.645",
                    "bidding_zone": "Centre-North"
                    "date": "2022-06-10 23:45:00",
                    "date_tz": "Europe/Rome",
                    "date_offset": "+02:00",
                    "total_load_MW": "5565.311",
                    "forecast_total_load_MW": "5697.166",
                    "bidding_zone": "Centre-South"
                    "date": "2022-06-10 23:45:00",
                    "date_tz": "Europe/Rome",
                    "date_offset": "+02:00",
                    "total_load_MW": "17103.466",
                    "forecast_total_load_MW": "17508.688",
                    "bidding_zone": "North"