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[GET] https://api.terna.it/market/v1.0/output/prices 
These are the average and marginal UP and DOWN prices related to the accepted bids in the various market sessions. The average UP/DOWN prices will be equal to the weighted average over the accepted UP/DOWN quantities at the outcome of each market session. The marginal UP/DOWN prices will be equal to the maximum accepted price for UP and the minimum accepted price for DOWN as a result of each market session, respectively.

Authorization OAuth 2.0

Request Header

API field Type Description Format Card Example
Authorization String Token 1..1   <your access token>
businessID String Identificativo facoltativo che può essere utilizzato per identificare il messaggio durante la fase di analisi quando si apre un ticket al support team di Terna. 0..1 b57aca2f-41b8-4a6e-a43c-2fc5f8309f94
Accept String 0..1 Application/Json

Query Params

API field Type Description Format Card Example
dateFrom string Format dd/mm/yyyy 1..1
dateTo string Format dd/mm/yyyy 1..1
priceType string If not entered, the filter is not applied and all types will be considered an error 0..1
sessionType string If not entered, the filter is not applied and all types will be considered an error 1..1
direction string If not entered, the filter is not applied and all types will be considered an error 0..1

Response Structure 200

API field Type Description Format Card Example
result 0..1
.messagge string 0..1 OK
.status string 0..1 Completed
prices array 0..n
.reference_date string 0..1 2023-10-24
.date_tz string 0..1 Europe/Rome
.offset string 0..1 +02:00
.zone string 0..1 SICI
.session_type string 0..1 MSD1
.type string 0..1 MARGINAL
.direction string 0..1 UP
.price_eur_MWh string 0..1 242.72

Response Structure 406

API field Type Description Format Card Example
result 0..1
.messagge string 0..1 Input Validation Error: the value entered is incorrect or does not conform to the expected format. Value entered: 200
.status string 0..1 ERROR

Response Structure 500

API field Type Description Format Card Example
result 0..1
.messagge string 0..1 Information retrieval error
.status string 0..1 ERROR


cURL Request

curl --location --request GET 'https://api.terna.it/market/v1.0/output/prices?dateFrom=22/11/23&dateTo=22/11/23&sessionType=MSD1&priceType=MEDIO&direction=UP' --header 'Authorization: <token>'


            "result": {
              "message": "string",
              "status": "string"
            "prices": [
                "reference_date": "string",
                "date_tz": "string",
                "offset": "string",
                "zone": "string",
                "session_type": "string",
                "type": "string",
                "direction": "string",
                "price_eur_MWh": "string"