• Register

About us

  A new gateway to Terna's electricity data as part of our strategy for transparency and data quality.

The Terna Developer Portal offers all external developers a series of tools and protocols (or APIs, “application programming interfaces”) to facilitate interaction with data and services of the System Operator.

Specifically, users of this website can:

  • register their applications (and receive corresponding authentication keys);
  • consult general documentation (on how to register, how to register an application, how to obtain a key, etc.);
  • consult the catalogue and detailed documentation on the APIs accessible from their profile;
  • test APIs;
  • request support in the event of errors or if they need assistance.


Following registration and login, the user can follow a guided registration procedure for their applications. The portal will then generate a set of keys and tokens for authentication of the application and request for an API. For more information, consult the documentation available on the page API documentation.

Managing applications and keys

Users can manage their applications and keys from the page My Account:

  • on the sub-page Applications, users can register/edit or erase applications requesting the APIs.
  • on the sub-page Keys users can erase or view the “key” and “secret” required to authenticate the application requesting the API.


The Terna Developer Portal hosts a section dedicated to the catalogue of APIs, which contains a list of services accessible from the profile in question.


The portal also provides users with a testing environment to test the APIs available in the user catalogue on the basis of the documentation and swagger tools present.

Support and assistance

For all support requests and for further information on APIs, a form is provided in the section Contact us.

The role of Terna

Terna is the company that manages the Italian electricity transmission grid and the largest independent electricity transmission system operator in Europe. It has an institutional public service role essential in guaranteeing electricity to the country and enabling operation of the entire national electricity system: it performs grid planning, development and maintenance activities, in addition to ensuring the balance of electricity supply and demand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year through operation of the electricity system. With approximately 75 thousand km of high and extra-high-voltage power lines, 900 substations across the national territory and 26 cross-border interconnections, it can rely on the expertise of over five thousand professionals.