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Renewable Generation
Differenze rispetto alla versione 1.0
- L'endpoint da richiamare è stato modificato.
- Aggiunto campo Offset nel risultato.
- Aggiunto campo Timezone nel risultato.
Allow to obtain data representing hourly production from renewable energy
sources: hydro, geothermal, biomass, wind, and solar.
The data coincide with those already available in the Download Center section of Transparency, where you can download them manually instead.
Request Header
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
Authorization | String | Token | 1..1 | <your access token> | |
businessID | String | Business ID | 0..1 | b57aca2f-41b8-4a6e-a43c-2fc5f8309f94 | |
Accept | String | Definizione Header Accept | 0..1 | Application/Json |
Query Params
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
dateFrom | String | Starting date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
dateTo | String | Final date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
type | String | Type of source | restricted list | 0..n | Wind |
Type List
Type is to be chosen as an element of the set ['Thermal', 'Wind', 'Geothermal', 'Photovoltaic', 'Self-consumption', 'Hydro']
IMPORTANT NOTE: when the value entered does not match one of the expected values, an error will not be returned, but an empty body will be returned.
Response Structure
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
result | Obj | Result | 1..1 | "result":{..} | |
.message | String | Specify the status and if successful, report the request | 1..1 | "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 23/04/2022, date to: 23/04/2022", | |
.status | String | Specify the status and if successful, report the request | 1..1 | "status": "Completed" | |
renewable_generation | Obj | Renewable Generation Structure | array | 0..n | |
.date | String | Date | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | 1..1 | 2020-02-12 23:00:00 |
.date_tz | String | Time Zone | Continent/City | 1..1 | Europe/Rome |
.date_offset | String | Time Offset | 1..1 | +02:00 | |
.renewable_generation_GWh | String | Renewable Generation | 1..1 | 2.341 | |
.energy_source | String | Type | 1..1 | Wind |
cURL Request
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.terna.it/generation/v2.0/renewable-generation?dateFrom=23/04/2022&dateTo=23/04/2022' --header 'Authorization: <token>'
{ "result": { "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 23/04/2022, date to: 23/04/2022", "status": "Completed" }, "renewable_generation": [ { "date": "2022-04-23 23:00:00", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "date_offset": "+02:00", "renewable_generation_GWh": "0.187", "energy_source": "Photovoltaic" }, { "date": "2022-04-23 23:00:00", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "date_offset": "+02:00", "renewable_generation_GWh": "0.64", "energy_source": "Geothermal" } ] }
- Previous: Actual Generation
- Up: Generation
- Next: Energy Balance