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APIs Catalog
Obtain data regarding the trend of the Italian electricity system’s total demand.
Obtain data representing the Italian demand trend with reference to the so-called 'market perimeter'.
Obtain data representing the maximum and minimum values of the total demand.
Obtain data to complete getPeakValleyLoad, with two output fields: Primary_Source and Type.
Monthly Index Industrial Electrical Consumption
Descritpion IMCEI.
Obtain data representing the total national net hourly production, broken down by primary sources, including self-consumption.
Obtain data representing hourly production from renewable energy sources: hydro, geothermal, biomass, wind, e solar.
Obtain data epresenting the balance of the Italian electricity system: the energy required on the national grid to meet net domestic consumption.
Obtain data representing the installed capacity of generation plants and is represented by the net efficient power [GW].
Descrizione Wind Production Forecast
Obtain data representing scheduled trade exchanges between Italy, neighbouring TSOs, Corsica and Malta.
Obtain data representing scheduled trade exchanges between Italian internal market zones.
Obtain data representing the physical exchange of electricity between Italy, neighbouring TSOs, Corsica and Malta.
Obtain data representing the physical exchange of electricity between Italian internal market zones.
Expected Available Capacity plain description to insert here
Aggregate Effective Available Capacity
Aggregate Effective Available Capacity plain description to insert here
Detail Available Capacity plain description to insert here
Forecast Transit Limits plain description to insert here
Load Forecast plain description to insert here
Transit Limits plain description to insert here
Secondary reserve requirement plain description to insert here
Tertiary replacement reserve requirement
Tertiary replacement reserve requirement plain description to insert here
Total tertiary reserve requirement
Total tertiary reserve requirement plain description to insert here
Rotating tertiary reserve requirement
Rotating tertiary reserve requirement plain description to insert here
Transit Margins plain description to insert here
Costs plain description to insert here
Accepted Offers plain description to insert here
Submitted Offers plain description to insert here
Unavailability Productive Units
Unavailability Productive Units Description
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