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- Next: Preliminary Prices
Daily Prices
This endpoint will be substituted20 giugno.can be foundfees/v1.0/daily-prices.
Obtain data representing the Italian demand trend with reference to the so-called 'market perimeter'.
The data coincide with those already available in the
section of MyTerna, where you can download them manually instead.
Request Header
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
Authorization | String | Token | 1..1 | <your access token> | |
businessID | String | Identificativo facoltativo che può essere utilizzato per identificare il messaggio durante la fase di analisi quando si apre un ticket al support team di Terna. | 0..1 | b57aca2f-41b8-4a6e-a43c-2fc5f8309f94 | |
Accept | String | Definizione Header Accept | 0..1 | Application/Json |
Query Params
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
dateFrom | String | Starting date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
dateTo | String | Final date of extraction | dd/mm/yyyy | 1..1 | 15/2/2021 |
dataType | String | Type of data to be extracted. If not entered, the filter is not applied and all types will be considered in the search | restricted list | 0..1 | Orario |
Lista Type
Type deve essere scelto come elemento dell'insieme ['Orario','Quarto Orario']
Response Structure
API field | Type | Description | Format | Card | Example |
result | Obj | Risultato della richiesta | 1..1 | "result":{..} | |
.message | String | Indica lo stato e, in caso di esito positivo, segnala la richiesta. | 1..1 | "message": "Operation completed for the following input: date from: 22/5/2022, date to: 23/06/2022", | |
.status | String | Indica lo stato e, in caso di esito positivo, segnala la richiesta. | 1..1 | "status": "Completed" | |
daily_prices | Obj | Daily Prices Struttura | array | 0..n | |
.publication_date | String | Date | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | 1..1 | 2022-10-01 00:00:00 |
.reference_date | String | Date | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss | 1..1 | 2022-09-01 00:00:00 |
.data_type | String | Tipo Dato | 0..1 | Orario | |
.date_tz | String | Time Zone | Continent/City | 1..1 | Europe/Rome |
.macrozone | String | Macrozone | 0..1 | NORD | |
.base_price_EURxMWh | String | tbd | 0..1 | 69.179 | |
.incentive_component_EURxMWh | String | tbd | 1..1 | 0 | |
.unbalance_price_EURxMWh | String | tbd | 0..1 | 69.179 |
cURL Request
curl -X 'GET' 'https://api-coll.terna.it/market-and-fees/v1.0/daily-prices?dateFrom=10/05/2022&dateTo=21/05/2022&dataType=Orario' --header 'Authorization: <token>'
{ "result": { "message": "Operation completed for the following input. Date from: 10/05/2022, date to: 21/05/2022, data type: Orario", "status": "Completed" }, "daily_prices": [ { "publication_date": "2022-05-22 17:00:00", "reference_date": "2022-05-21 23:00:00", "data_type": "Orario", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "macrozone": "NORD", "base_price_EURxMWh": "217.239", "incentive_component_EURxMWh": "0", "unbalance_price_EURxMWh": "217.239" }, { "publication_date": "2022-05-22 17:00:00", "reference_date": "2022-05-21 23:00:00", "data_type": "Orario", "date_tz": "Europe/Rome", "macrozone": "SUD", "base_price_EURxMWh": "143.92", "incentive_component_EURxMWh": "0", "unbalance_price_EURxMWh": "143.92" } ] }
- Previous: Daily Macrozonal Imbalance
- Up: Market and Fees
- Next: Preliminary Prices